Our Beliefs and Core Values

We believe the ordinary means of grace (the Word, Sacraments, and prayer) are foundational to reverent worship, rich community, and personal sanctification.

The Bible

God has graciously revealed Himself to us through the sixty-six books of His inerrant, infallible Word. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, having been given through the inspiration of God, are our all-sufficient rule of faith and practice. The only way that humanity has any knowledge of God’s plan of salvation or character is through the Scriptures. Therefore, it is imperative for the Scriptures to be central within the life of the church.


Our Confessional Standards

The teaching of the Bible is well articulated in the subordinate standards of the Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, we subscribe to the Westminster Standards as a faithful expression of Biblical doctrine. 



The word Presbyterian is derived from the Greek word presbuteros which means “elder.” Presbuteros describes a particular office within the church (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-16). The office of elder is the bedrock of Presbyterian church government. 

A local church is governed by elders who submit themselves to the presbytery (a body of elders of churches comprised of a particular region), which submits itself to the General Assembly (all the elders in the denomination) (cf. Acts 15).

Presbyterian Church in America polity follows a representative form of government that intends to hold itself accountable to God’s Word. 


Corporate Worship

Every Sunday — what the New Testament refers to as the Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10) — Christians have the privilege of gathering together for public worship to receive the ministry of God’s Word, offer their prayers to the living God, and be ministered to spiritually through the Lord’s Supper and baptism (Acts 2:42). Corporate worship is not only the pinnacle of every week and the purpose of the church, but it’s a glorious foretaste of every believer’s heavenly home. At the most basic level, the church’s job is to offer pleasing worship to God. Reverent, God-glorifying worship is central to our church.


Outreach and Evangelism

We are committed to reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ through both personal evangelism and the proclamation of God’s Word in corporate worship. While the church has no control over the hearts of men — our Lord possesses the power to draw someone to Himself and save them from their sins — our Lord in His infinite wisdom uses people to spread the gospel message (Rom. 10:14-15). It is the responsibility of believers to faithfully share the gospel.

The Scriptures teach us that true saving faith manifests itself in a life committed to Christ through faith and repentance. We want to see lives changed by the power of the gospel. 


Rich Fellowship and Community

We are committed to getting to know one another on a deeper level through worship, church events, and Bible studies. It is our prayer that our congregation will be marked by warm, generous hospitality.