6 Reasons to Be Part of a Church Plant

As a church planter, I am slightly biased about why people should consider being part of a church plant. And while I have many reasons that I personally love being a part of a church plant, I thought it would be more meaningful to share the perspectives of the other church planters at Providence – the members of our congregation.

I asked them to weigh in on if and why they would recommend church planting to others. Their responses were a great encouragement.

There are many reasons that someone might think twice before jumping into a church plant: it involves more risk, it requires more work, there aren’t as many programs, it isn’t established.

But according to the people of Providence, there are 6 important reasons why believers should consider being a part of a new church.

1. Rich community and fellowship

“Church planting requires a lot of one on one time and you really get to know people. The Bible studies are smaller, the set up team is smaller, so you get to see these people more often than not. While the numbers of people involved in church planting may be small, the relationships you build with those people in the process are big. The relationships are built out of working together, praying together, studying together and killing sin together. Sometimes relationships are harder to create in a larger church setting. Church planting allows organic relationships to grow by cultivating a true bond by laboring together.” Sean W. 

“In the era of a comfortable church culture which for decades has gravitated toward rock concert-worthy worship sets that drown out individual voices, motivational speaking, and enticing programs and giveaways, being a part of a church plant is like stepping under a waterfall of authenticity, relationship, and spiritual refreshment. Much like the life-giving streams of Laodicea in Revelation 3 that brought healing to those who drew from them, a church plant contains members who truly desire to be present while actively praying for and serving the body.  The intimacy shared by believers of a church plant provides a godly buffer of shelter to weather life’s struggles large and small. The comfort derives not simply from a typically smaller church size, but it is born from a body of Christians having a unified vision, common spiritual goals, and a desire to live sacrificially as Christ lived. This is a group that faces difficult challenges head-on, daily digging deep into the treasures of grace. The excitement of Sunday worship often carries on into sweet fellowship and unapologetically lengthy conversations after the service. As stomachs growl, spirits soar. Each member is part of a team, captained by One who fought death and then killed it. This truth is recollected weekly by a gospel-centered church plant.” - Becky W.

“Being part of a church plant is such a blessing and it is special to be part of a new and growing church family, one of like-minded Christians who can grow in their faith together, and share our lives in a godly faith community.” - Pat K.

“It has been such a blessing being part of a church plant for many reasons. Getting to know other believers as the church grows (from the ground up) rather than coming into a church where you don’t know any or very few of the other members. I’ve felt so much more a part of the church with an invested interest in seeing it grow and wanting to be used by God to further His kingdom. It allows you to get to know people as they join the church so that it feels more like a family. You can pray for them and share their struggles and celebrations on a more personal level.” - Glenn & Nancy D.

“Though larger, more established churches can offer more ‘programs’, some members might start to feel disconnected as the numbers grow. Being a part of a church plant is exciting because I often feel closer the members and I feel that I am a part of a new thing that God is doing. The sharing is more intimate.” - Jackie F.

Church planting gives a beautiful sense of community and purpose. In a world of such turmoil and distraction, being able to be with others seeking truth in the Lord and desiring to reach out to others in our community so they also will have a life rich in His goodness is a blessing.” - Becky M.

“Being a part of a church plant is exciting because it feels like it allows for greater community and fellowship with a group of individuals who are committed to the Lord and to building something together for His glory. It feels like the members are “all in” for Christ and for building up the church.” - Brett H

2. Shared mission and vision

“Being part of a church plant has been a great experience for our family. We were initially drawn to Providence because of the like minded people that began attending in the very beginning and our appreciation for Jake and his commitment to the scriptures and historical reformed tradition. Planting a church allows a group of Christians with a shared vision and aligned convictions to build a community together. This is in our family’s opinion, the greatest benefit of being part of a church plant. Building a community is a grass roots process. It’s getting to know people at a deeper level. It’s also a form of strategic evangelism within the body of Christ to build the type of Christian community that is desired. I suppose you can say that church planting is about having a heart towards building as opposed to only consuming. It has been a blessing to be part of Providence and our family looks forward to growing our church community and building lasting relationships with our brothers and sisters there.” - Nick S.

“We enjoy the strong community of believers which is necessary when beginning a church plant. A special bond is formed by a group of believers working towards a common goal.” - Garrett & Lorien B.

“I was not sure what to expect being a believer in a church plant. I knew about 8 to 10 people at our first gathering, most not well. But I did know we all wanted to give glory to God. As best as I can relate it’s like the early church, all working to the common good. After two years in, I would not change a thing. It’s a blessing.” - Mike C.

3. Opportunities to serve

“Being part of a church plant provides lots of serving opportunities and we began to have a joy in our serving that was fresh and more deeply committed. It is exciting to watch the church form its own unique personality, to grow closer to the core group of believers involved in starting a new church, as well as watching God bring so many delightful new people into our fellowship. There is a spirit of love and a desire for true fellowship here among believers and we are blessed by it.” - Doug & Carolyn C. 

“One of the wonderful benefits of a church plant, particularly when you are starting out in a rented space, is that there is work to be done. Each Lord’s Day there are chairs to set up, coffee to be made, signs to put out, entryways to be vacuumed, sound to be checked, and worship guides to be handed out. Everyone has an opportunity to serve; and in laboring alongside one another friendships are formed and fellowship is strengthened.” - Allyson B.

“Typically established churches do not have many opportunities for children and youth to get involved but I've seen church plants (including Providence) where the youth can really make a contribution with things like set up and tear down. They have ownership of the project and build strong relationships with others.” - John C.

4. Excitement and enthusiasm

“We were not initially looking for a church plant, and really had no strong feelings either way.  What we wanted was a biblically sound church that would defend and proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because Jake was committed to Biblical integrity in teaching, preaching, and worship, we decided to attend one of the informational meetings. We liked what we heard so we came back to another meeting, and another, and so on. We found ourselves drawn to the other committed believers involved in the church plant process and began to experience an enthusiasm and energy we had not known before. We became committed to this group of believers at this particular church plant and wanted to help make it happen. It was exciting to be used of God in this way. We are confident that we have a unique mission to those in our community who do not know Jesus savingly. Because of our core convictions, we can bless them with the freedom and joy of biblical truth, saving faith in Christ, and Christian love.” - Doug & Carolyn C. 

“Church planting is an exciting journey as we were called to build something meaningful, not just in our own right but centered on God's will.” - Michael C.

“Going to a church plant in general is exciting because we are able to be part of the new growth of God’s kingdom. A new church has its own distinctiveness that will attract different kinds of people who need to know and worship the Lord. It is exciting to be part of this church plant as we take God’s Word and the historical creeds and confessions seriously to inform our worship and walk in God’s world.” - Terry & Mayhoward J.

5. Feeling valued

No one feels like “a number” in a church plant. And isn’t it a blessing to watch a visitor come over and over and then take the Inquirer’s class and then join the church? The progression is a beautiful process to witness.” - Jackie F.

“I do enjoy being part of a church plant. It is refreshing to see how new people come in, get engaged and start serving and seeing how God uses their gifts. A church plant makes people feel there is a place for them because they are needed.” - Ginnie H.

It is exciting to be part of the groundwork of a church plant, which is much like nurturing a young child, and you are part of that young child. Like any church and garden, it must be watered with the word of God and prayer and much of weeding and toil with repentance and confession of sins.” - Jim L.

6. Seeing the Lord at work

“What I love most about being apart of a church plant is seeing the Spirit at work not only on Sundays but throughout the week in the lives of the saints. The Lord always provides grace to those who need it and you can see this in church planting… Church planting, if done correctly can harvest a crop of saints that are led by the Spirit to do good works which causes others to be curious about the work they are in. What is the work? The work is the proclamation of the Gospel and the making of disciples. Church planting is a front row seat to missions and all are invited to participate because every saint has been commanded by our Lord to, ‘Go and make disciples’ (Matthew 28:19-20).” - Sean W.

A new church gives you the opportunity to see first hand what is professed and how it is lived out. It gives Christians a way to reexamine their gifts and perhaps use them in a new and deeper way. Providence is aptly named because it has served as a haven for many weary Christians longing for a church committed to the truth of Scripture and unwilling to compromise that truth. God providentially used this church to be planted at just the right time and in just the right place.   We love what God is doing here and are very grateful to be part of it.” Doug & Carolyn C.

“All in all, our immediate family has grown, as well as through our church family, in our faith and fellowship in Jesus Christ through Providence Presbyterian. We've learned so much along the way, but the one thing that God has shown us is that it is not about ourselves, our situation, or how we feel; it's all about God's will, and we can and will find comfort and refuge in him.” - Michael C.

“​​I have truly enjoyed being a part of the Providence Presbyterian Church plant! There has been an evident hunger for God’s Word and vibrant Bible study conversations. The level of participation in church studies and fellowship is encouraging. It seems that most people who join the work of a church plant are very serious about their faith! I have been surprised by the number of young families and more seasoned believers who enjoy worship, Bible study and fellowship with each other. It seems that our robust group loves the Lord and earnestly desires to follow Him!” - Martha H.

“If someone asked me why they should join a church plant, I'd say 

  1. Statistics show that church plants have a good record of reaching unchurched people. 

  2. A church plant presents a great opportunity to watch how God works to bring people together, to provide resources for land and building. It grows our faith and obedience. 

  3. A church plant is a great place to discover and develop your spiritual gifts.” - John C.

“My prayers have increased because the needs are great. As we see God at work in the lives of the members at a church plant, we are encouraged to pray more. What a lovely cycle of prayer, answers to prayer and then more prayer.” - Jackie F.


A Word-Centered Witness - 1 Timothy 2


Mercy for Sinners - 1 Timothy 1:12-20